Friday, August 20, 2010

Is there a website where I can just go and rant?

I would rant here but there's the risk of being reported. So where can I go to rant? I would like to be able to rant anonymously. Is there a website where I can just go and rant?
http://www.justanger.comIs there a website where I can just go and rant?
Go to a chatroom. Let everything out. Try Stickam.

Join there and then theres A LOT of chat rooms, rant all you want.
Set up your own website using a freebie ISP (or at least a cheapo domain name), then you can rant as much as you like.
try forums they acutally have forums for people angry at stupid things n they rant n rave on em. google fight forums or ranting forums don't know one off the top of my head cuz i dont rant but gl with it

If you look like your avatar.. y would u want 2 rant?? LoL!!

Get a blog maybe? !
You could create your own blog.

try getting a blog, with a screen name if you want to be anonymous

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