Friday, August 20, 2010

Is the New swirly back cover for the Samsung rant more of a girl thing?

I just got the new Black Samsung Rant and i'm a guy and i think the swirly back cover adds a little fun to the phone but i don't know if it seems a little girly or not? Oppinions are appreciated!! Thank you!!Is the New swirly back cover for the Samsung rant more of a girl thing?
very girlyIs the New swirly back cover for the Samsung rant more of a girl thing?
I have that phone, and my friend who's a guy thought it was cool and told me to use it, but I'm sort of plain jane so I just go for the plain black that says ';Samsung'; on it. But I don't think so cause my DUDE friend who's a major dude and is ';anti-fag'; thought it was cool and told me to use it.

Matter in fact, before everytime we'd hang out at my house he'd switch the back cover and use my phone.

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