I nero it down to 2 i am not sure which one i want please help the Sanyo Katana Eclipse or the Samsung rant i am looking for one that has good ring tones and that don't heat up really quick my mom use my phone for 2 hours so i need one that doesn't heat up in 2 hours please help :)What phone should i get Sanyo katana Eclipse or the Samsung Rant?
The Rant is made for texting and the Eclipse is made for music. It's really up to what you want the phone for. The Rant is free at RadioShack now with an upgrade.What phone should i get Sanyo katana Eclipse or the Samsung Rant?
First of all never buy anything at radioshack! and second Sanyo is a discount electronics brand; samsung on the other hand is very well known and well respected in all areas of electronics. From flash memory to their new LED LCD TVS. Samsung 100%
I've never used the Sanyo, but I've had a few Samsungs before and they have all worked great. In fact my first Samsung is now being used by my mother after I upgraded phones.
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