What a total tool. It was funny to listen to but it has made me resent him. It is not like he is doing an important job or function like emergency services or humanitariam work. He is just some dumb actor doing some dumb film about terminators! And he is reacting like a childish, violent, pathetic spoilt bully. What a shame that I have lost respect for someone who I really admired. If anyone acted like this in ANY profession they would be dismissed and criminal charges may even be filed.Who has lost respect for Christian Bale since listening to his rant?
i havnt lost respect for him at all, i think he is a fantastic actor, ok so he got angry and shouted a lot, so what ?!Who has lost respect for Christian Bale since listening to his rant?
By overreacting the way he did, it just shows how arrogant and self absorbed he really is. His handling of the situation was far from professional. Makes you wonder how many other divas there are in the acting profession that we don't get to hear about.
It doesn't work the same way in film / theatre. Any distraction where there isn't supposed to be one can put you off, ruin a scene and spoil it all. And I've met enough hotheaded actors in my time to know that no-one takes it with anything more than a pinch of salt.
everybody has their days and moments where they lose their temper. its just that with him it was caught on audio for the whole world to hear. just bcuz he's famous doesn't mean i expect him to act perfect and never make any mistakes. so no i dont lose respect for him just bcuz he got angry at somebody.
I never really respected him that much...but i think it was really stupid of him to do that, and he's lucky not to get like fired or whatever for it, anyone in any other proffesion would be.
BUT some people have bad days...
I didn't really have any respect for him in the first place, but I do think that this is totally over-rated. The media have really dressed this up.
Yup. He is a big a$%hole. But guess what, he CAN do things like that because of who is he. That's the sad part.
I lost respect for him when he was arrested for allegedly assaulting his mother and sister last year in a London hotel.
Any respect i had for him (if i had any in the first place) has totally gone
I never cared for him ...
and I sure as hell don't care for him now
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