Friday, August 20, 2010

What would you like to have a really good rant about, and why?

Go on, get it all off your chest. Best answer goes to the best written or the most amusing reply.

Football or life in generalWhat would you like to have a really good rant about, and why?
******* assholes who post to Yahoo answers!!!!

My god, what dumbasses!!!! Shaming themselves like that!!! It's ridiculus!!!! I especially hate those people who give USELESS answers that solve NOTHING!!!!

Damn them all!!!!!What would you like to have a really good rant about, and why?
At this moment in time, some of the football fans on here!!

They are so annoying! sooo blind and arrogant!

Bitching about teams and players when their teams and players are no better, they show how jelous they are and its just soooooo annoying!

Some really look like they aint got a clue what their talking about, and that they're talking out of their arses!!!!!!
Your driving down an empty motorway and there not a soul around you find the biggest twat, his there in the middle lane with not a care in the world...why do they do it ..middle land drivers..AGGGRRRHHHH
A short rant...

Arsenal players dressing like women...its got to stop, have you seen Vela on the bench...this isnt Milan fashion week!
My f****** course that I am on.....

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