Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What in politics shall we rant about today?

let me think

the government?

Gordon brown?

The americans?

The other europeans?

Other political parties?

Oh i am sure you can think of something get on with it i am readyWhat in politics shall we rant about today?
I'd like a political rant about how some Christian organizations are so anti-america and are promoting the onset of the European superpower. I was watching some ****** up late night 'we love god' kinda bullshit, and they were talking about how Europe is going to overtake America as the worlds super power and how the bible predicted it by mentioning some beast being ridden by some guys. They can make up the most far festched meaning for the bible. But anyway it was all bullshit, they were on about how the GDP over there is almost equal, and how there population is sooo much bigger than the US. And i was like well you cant say both of those things in one sentence without creating a figure of GDP per person... Which the US will have a much more superior figure. It was bullshit i tell you. Any who i say this not coz i lvoe the US (Which i dont) but because religion is ******, and they are trying to recruit people via my tv. Argh!

Edit: Can we also rant about a universal mediums. I want World Wide English... World Wide Dollars and uhhh a World Wide Metric System please. EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG!!! DOLLARS ENGLISH AND METRIC SYSTEM RULE!!!What in politics shall we rant about today?
Oh, I don't know - I think I fancy a little bit of the proposed ';manslaughter'; pleas for long-term abused spouses.

Here goes the rant:

What, are they NUTS? Why not print out a license to kill and hand it out? Surely the better solution would be to take each case on individual merit, and if the evidence is there to show persisent and long term abuse, it will be taken into consideration at sentencing?

How was that?
I'm sure that the British Government are really Evil aliens from outta space......and I'm afraid Mi6 .....aka the Klingon's may be after me because I have discovered that the Queen is a star ship trooper and plans to distroy us from high orbit in her ship named Buckingham Planet !

Please don't tell anyone .....I don't want to get vaporised
What is with the English and their love affair with our elections? if they love it soo much, they should have conformed to it 200 years ago instead of laying down and dying. God knows you Europeans can't do anything without checking with the US first. You base the Euro on our dollar, you beg us for money when you screw up places like Algiers and Viet Nam, and send us sucky soccer players and shallow pop stars.
I predict we will get a lot of Obama fans who will once again be prematurely claiming victory because their guy got a bump in the polls. I suggest we remind them that he isn't running for president of the world. c.
Somthing on how liberals are commies and how conservatives are fascists...

It's always like that.
lets complain about people that complain and dont do anything about it
I'm sleepy today.
In your phrase ';politics'; = ';hell';?

Or is it in general?
$$$ (or 拢拢拢).
Obama again !!
pepsi vs coca-cola

i vote coca-cola everytime :D

very political
How about that Harman female
How about when is Gordon Brown going?
The state of the world in general? that tends to keep people going for a while...
How about Bush sucks. your pic, its a dog eat dog day.
Yes, yes...rant about us in the US! I want to know what you really are tic'd off about. Like I can do anything about it.
not enough bike paths
how about we just skip it altogether
the united states of america

that pretty much covers everything

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