Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Did you hear that Obama WAS present when Reverand Wright made his anti-America rant?

Apparently, there was a church member who swears Obama was there on several Sunday services when Wright had one of his rants. He was quoted as saying Obama was clapping and nodding his head in agreement. Does anyone have a link to this story?Did you hear that Obama WAS present when Reverand Wright made his anti-America rant?
i heard some of it on fox news this morning seems he was there during wrights rantsDid you hear that Obama WAS present when Reverand Wright made his anti-America rant?
Yes I have read that. And I have read an article from a reporter who says he was there 6/22 for a rant as well. I believe it. And the Secret Service has a log of his whereabouts. They can clear it up very easily. He was there.
I think I saw you with McCain when he dumped his first wife for the younger model- and you were clapping!!!
You didn't have to be in attendance to know that what Wright was saying was true.

Show me something that Wright lied about and I would clap for you too.

Wright told the truth about the America that white people either ignore or are too stupid to understand.

Anti Amercian? Really? The man was a marine and served this country better than 1/2 the jokers that sit up on YA and try to bash him.

He may be radical but he has a right to be. Once you serve a country only to return to be treated like a 2nd class citizen you may have a clue about what he is so angry about.

Anti American...Puhlease!!!
that i certainly can believe
That's not true! He those comments were made, he was in Miami at The National Council of La Raza. Can we return to the real issues?
They even gave a date, and this morning on FOX NEWS of all places said Obama was in Florida that day....

I can't wait to see the fall out
Well.....I don't know about that.......

odds are over the twenty years Obama did hear it.........I would not think anyone could be around it that long without knowing it was going on.

Sky.........he 'fought the white mans war?'........thats funny, I thought it was Americas war.
Wow, Obama can be in two places at the same time. You must think that this guy walks on water.

Come on. You have beaten this smear to death. Go find something believable.

And could you please stop posting the same crap under multiple accounts?
Oh my God! Someone was present when someone said something stupid!?!?!?!

I guess no one can run for president now!!!!
Seeing that you just made this up, why don't you provide the link?
Barrack Obama is running for President, NOT Rev Wright.

I have only passing interests in Rev Wright.

I will be voting for Barrack Obama.

The far right loons are really grasping at straws now!
you can bet if someone has video itll get dug up
B-Obama clearly associates with stupid racist and he agrees with them othwise he would not stay with them for twenty years. I too would like that link. We must keep BO out of the White House.
Apparently, the date (July 22nd) this guy claimed Obama was there he was actually delivering a speech in Miami. Clearly this is all a fabrication.

No but why would this be hard to believe; what would be harder to believe is how anyone can possibly think Obama, after having known, befriended and attended services of Wright's, could possibly be innocent of having full knowledge and approval of his hate and racism?
Doesn't suprise me at all. They will release this in phase 2.
Yes I heard that too. How in the world can someone be a member of a church for dang near 20 years and never hear the preacher preach. There is no way that he got up in front of the congregation one day and decided, ';oh well today I am going to trash talk America.'; Who would buy into this crap. Get a clue. AIDS and unjust wars kill white people too fool.
The pastor expressed his feelings.He served this country in the Military and has the right to say what he wants.He is a veteran fighting in White mans war and can't express himself.Shame on you!

Obama 2008!!
A reporter doing a story for Newsmax was with him when the Rev was doing one of his sermons and he said Obama was clapping. I do not know if there is video. I hope there is.
He won admit till the tape appears , then he will say I was sleeping ,did anybody see I was dancing.
You know what, I don't even care if he was present or agreed/disagreed with the Reverand.

What I care about is the fact that he claims to be close to Wright, yet didn't know about his anti-Amreica/racist beliefs. If they were close, which Obama stated Wright is like an uncle to him, Obama would have known about these extreme views.

Either way, Obama lied.
i bet he was white,was he clapping too
A video clip featuring Obama clapping would certainly help

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