Sunday, August 22, 2010

Is Hillary Holding Back The Video Of Michelle Obama In A Racist Hate Whitey Rant Until the Convention?

Internet chatter is all over this. The rumor is the Clintons have a video of Michelle Obama on a racist anti white people rant al la Rev Wright.Is Hillary Holding Back The Video Of Michelle Obama In A Racist Hate Whitey Rant Until the Convention?
They both have it....Rove has it, Hannity has it also,...and Hannity is just itching to play it, but he will have to restrain himself for the Day! He is dropping subtle hints, like a dad to his kid on Christmas eve!

This vid is the Kiss of Death, that is the little smirk Hillary has when she mentions to ';wait and see!';Is Hillary Holding Back The Video Of Michelle Obama In A Racist Hate Whitey Rant Until the Convention?
You've got it all wrong. The video is of McCain looking for his dentures so he can give his wife a well deserved love bite. This will energize all the idiots, who don't want to use their brains, to run to grand pa for some hugs and kisses. By the way anti white people rant is not by definition racist (if it's full of irrefutable truth) given the history of this country. If you could think you could come up with anti white people rant that's not racist too. But, I give you too much credit.
-I thought this is a presidential election and not ';what did the wife say?'; contest.

It would be very bad for any candidate to show a video that doesn't exist!

I am appalled by the amount of hatred in this country and wonder how this country can survive it's own misinformed and undereducated citizens. The world is in turmoil, gas and food prices are spiraling out of control, all you talk about is hate - shame on you!
Do you have any idea how stupid and scared the right wing sounds about Obama??

This particular racist has quite a collage of associations - let's see, we have Hillary and Obama and Racist Hate and White Rant and Michelle Obama and Racist Anti-White - and it wraps up with Rev. Wright.

So looks like this frightened little lad's got the Karl Hussein Rove prize for the most lies in the least space - congratulations.
If Clinton has this video she would need to release it ASAP. Otherwise Obama would still win the nomination and it would only damage the Democratic party in the end, so my guess is that she doesn't have it.

If the Republicans have it, they could be sitting on it waiting for an optimal time to release it to the public.
that's like, really bad. I think she would have released it by now, however who knows...Hillary has been marching to her own drummer for the past 6 months.
While it would not suprise me..Mrs Obama hating whitey would be interesting to voters..Just not Black ones
I can't wait until they release it. I will put a sheet up outside and show it 24 hours a day on a loop!
I don't think Hillary has it. I think the Republican's do.
I thought Karl Rove had the only copy and was saving it for ';October Surprise Day';.
I would do pay for view on that one.
Wow... internet rumors... it must be true!
Where did this rumor first get started? Anyone know?
Maybe , and maybe that's not all of the story.
I thought the reps had it....
Do you take your brain out at night and play with it? Yes, I thought so.

Actually, Hillary bought a tape she thought was McCain and his minister Haggy talking about how Hitler was sent by God to kill all the Jews, but CNN beat her to it and it has been on all day. The tape Hillary had was of her husband and some red head getting it on. ';Seen it already'; she said and threw it away.

Make love not war and vote for Obama!

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