Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why are righties not interested in sanford story, but rant endlessly about clinton?

how many sexual scandals on the right before they admit they are no better than clinton and his party?Why are righties not interested in sanford story, but rant endlessly about clinton?
Both sides screw up. This is an individual issue, not a party issue.Why are righties not interested in sanford story, but rant endlessly about clinton?
Lest we not forget Gary Hart his girl ended up dead like....Kennedys, Ted and Jack both.
Jared up there is right, to a point.

But Republicans still aren't accepting that they have weaknesses on par with other humans. Sanford is brought up, and they bring up Clinton and ask why he was not held to standards; even though Clinton very nearly got tossed out for what he did.

Sanford isn't even losing his seat, and no one is trying to take it from him. Gingrich was personally pressing to toss Clinton AT THE SAME TIME he was having his own affair.

And rather than crack on their own guys, or apologize to Clinton for holding him to a different standard then they hold themselves, Republicans insist that we should continue to crack down on Clinton (over 10 years later) but let go Gingrich (who never was dealt with) and Sanford (who literally just did his foolishness).

If they want to go after Clinton, by all means. But first, go after Gingrich and Sanford. If they want us to not go after Sanford, fine. But apologize to Clinton for holding him to higher standards than Republicans hold themselves.

I don't care which Republicans choose. But they are hypocrites until they choose one.

So Republicans, is cheating an unforgivable offense, or not?
I have heard plenty of complaining from republicans, even from S.C. What he did was wrong, and no one has supported his actions. By the way, Clinton cheated from the White House, not in a foreign country. If we hold our elected officials accountable, then Clinton's situation was way worse because of him being President.

The real issue is that ALL people need to remember the values that used to be prevalent in this great country, and we need to stop catering to progressive/liberal ideologies.

Our country was founded by RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS.
Ok what did Fred G Sanford do this time and did Lamont bail him out?
Who cares what a politician does in their personal lives as long as it doesn't break the law. Clinton committed perjury.
The same reason you lefties aren't interesting in prosecuting Barney Frank, C. Rangle, Pelosi, Feinstein, Murtha and all the rest of those crooks.
Thank you so much for asking that question. Because they are the epidemy of hypocrites. You have seen on ya the christian right crucify Barack Obama who is a role model father but remain utterly silent on People like ensign and Sanford, where are the christian protesters against adultery NOW THAT IS IN THE BIBLE, RIGHT.

THANKS FOR LETTING ME ANSWER THAT QUESTION, that is a good example of why the right wing is TOAST, milk toast., cheating lying promise keeper christian liars. Sanford said he is a christian so has Ensign. I did not say that they are wrong to leave their wives, I have no judgement, but to say you are a christian, shove it down peoples throats and then cheat on your wife and humiliate them in public after getting elected by trumpeting your faith in christ, I am saying they should resign on the spot for gross hypocrisy. Our country was founded on the CONSTITUTION not CHRISTIANITY. We now can go back to that FACT and stop all the religious stuff in GOVERNMENT for it has is and always will be an illusion and not reality, at least in my world. Maybe we need to get a happy married monogomous gay couple to go to Nevada and South Carolina and teach those christian promise keepers how to be faithful....lol This is NOT AN individual issue but a moral and political one because THEY have brought God into it themselves, were elected on a Christian platform and have LIED TO THE PUBLIC. Clinton, hey, he never claimed to be a promise keeper. This is square in your face republican Christians and I for one want to see you step up to the plate, go to the governors mansion and have a rally for his resignation instead of a stupid TEA party, is that all you got. This is a serious answer, I want you all to think about this and not make excuses, are you going to write letters, protest and march in the streets and clean up those liars. Please, in respect I say, ANSWER THAT.....
To be fair, on Fox tonight Hannity and O'Reilly both covered the issue. And on Hannity, Ann Coulter of all people denounced him as being immoral and bad. I think the right is recognizing their is no way you can positively spin this, so they are going to denounce him and distance themselves.
We caught them with their pants down !
Somebody send me a link to photos of the ';B'; so I know if she was worth the trip and heat.

PS Monica was not a prize. poor girl,
Doesn't matter what party they are from if they are cheaters, they are cheaters period!
Why are lefties endlessly ranting about Sanford but with Clinton they said it was no big deal it was just sex?!
Politicians across the board are not known for their high moral standings. Clinton was a whore, Edwards was a whore, Sanford is a whore, the list goes on and on for both sides. I don't even bat an eye when I hear about a sex scandal in Washington anymore.
First time I can honestly say I agree with Jared.

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